Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Morning prayer

It's just now 6 am and the birds have been chatting a while
Other than that though and the neighbor returning from his midnight shift
And the homes here are quiet.
My coffee cup is to the dregs already 
So my mind is slowly easing into the day. 
And I am realizing that this is the first job I have ever lost.
And I know what it feels like to flop and somehow still believe in myself. 
Everyone around me tells me I should bail-  find something new. 
But I have been saying all along that I like when things happen TO me
Instead of BY me - so that it feel like God is in control. 
But instead, it just feels like I am spinning.
I am sure God has a plan and will work this for the good. 
But, should I be maneuvering over here?  

I will start with prayer.

Hallowed be thy name.  May I not soil you, Lord, and drag you through the mud today. My my words be life and may my song be true.  Not just when I speak to strangers, but when I speak to my family And give orders and ask for help, those times, may the be pleasing in His sight.

Thy kingdom come.  Hasten the day of the Lord's return. May I long for life with Christ and know that this home is temporary.  This home is fleeting.  May I be content and focused in my living so that it may be purposeful for his kingdom. 

Thy will be done.  Not my will.  This is the hardest prayer right now, in this season. I have my weeds and desires, my fears and my goals.  I don't want to chase them, though. Instead, let me run towards God and seek his face. With SAVE and IC and Key Club, may I work for Him.  But in my classroom too. Assuming I will be in that room yet, I pray for each desk as it fills each hour.  If that season has ended, help me to keep a head high with hopes and bowed with humility.  May the Lord alone decide upon my steps.  


And then you answered with

Cease striving.

A rebuke that is hard to follow.  But with your help I will try.

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